Fire is an event, not a thing

Did you know that fire is an event, not a thing?

Fire is an event, not a thing. Heating wood or other fuel releases volatile vapors that can rapidly combust with oxygen in the air; the resulting incandescent bloom of gas further heats the fuel, releasing more vapors and perpetuating the cycle.

Discover Magazine

For you to keep a fire going, we need to continually feed it with fuel and oxygen. To make it go ablaze, we would need to fan the fire to grow it larger and larger.

But as always, resource is limited in the world that we live in. And when we are trying to build a fire that would last long to heat us up for many nights, we need to ration the fuel. Ensure that there is enough fuel to keep us warm, but not too much so that we run out of fuel.

I see that my energy levels like the fuel, and my projects and work like the fire that I need to keep going.

I had launched my first digital product‘s website this evening, and been promoting it on my own personal and the @pfchallenger social media feeds.

I started posting on Instagram around 8:00 pm, and by 9:00 pm I had finished posting on other Twitter, Facebook and also some Whatsapp groups that I was in. To my fortune, I had received good responses and my partner-in-crime, Vicky, also received touching responses from her circles as she shared about.

But by 9:30 pm, I was already mentally exhausted. I am new to the social media marketing game and I would consider my ‘social battery’ a relatively mini-sized one. But, I did not expect myself to be this tired from speaking to my friends and family about my product.

And there it was, the differentiating factor. It was my product. A product that I had put my own blood, sweat and tears into (literal for the sweat and tears, not so much the blood). I was very emotionally invested in this product.

Any feedback I received felt personal. I cheered with joy when I received positive responses. And I took constructive criticism (read: negative) responses personally too.

Usually for projects at work, I would sail smoothly – keeping myself composed with hearing people’s reactions to the product we put out. But this time, it was different.

Reflecting on this, I realise that I cannot keep up this kind of behaviour if I want to go the distance with this project of mine. I need to pour my pure passion into the product, but I cannot allow myself to be exhausted by it. I need to remember the 85% rule. I need to keep calm, pace my energy levels, and move forward.

I need to ration my fuel, and keep the fire burning for many more nights.

Heart on fire,



The Personal Finance Challenge

Here is an intro video I made about what I had made with Vicky:

I would sincerely appreciate it if you checked out The Personal Finance Challenge, and gave a follow on our social media 😊

Official Website: